Manage Transaction With Automated Billing System
By using Microsoft business application and combine with kreatif solution, We provide solution and advanced system that can calculate automatically billing based on your business needs.
Automatic Billing and Invoice
Kreatif provide solution for billing management system that can calculate automatically billing based on billing type, date, due date, penalty, debit-credit note and more, depend on business needs. The solution can also create automatic email notification for billing reminder
Billing Management
Kreatif provide solution for billing management system, the solution can determine who to bill based on every customer requirement and category. The solution can also calculate standard billing with effective dates using user provided formula or tables, with historical data if any changes made
Accurate Billing and Invoice Calculation
Kreatif solution also provide an advanced system that can calculate automatically billing based on billing type, date, due date, penalty, debit-credit note and more, depend on business needs. the system can easily calculate billing based on the billing schedule or prorate schedule and allows users to override default billing with a manual amount (subject to appropriate security).